Looking for housing at Høgevarde? Looking for housing at Høgevarde?
What about a long weekend holiday at Høgevarde now that we're closing to winter-end?
Høgevarde bus Høgevarde bus
Ski transport between Oslo and Høgevarde in an all-electric tour bus! A trip to Høgevarde is good for the environment,
Great snow conditions, off-piste and good variation defines Høgevarde Great snow conditions, off-piste and good variation defines Høgevarde
It is when the wind comes from the southeast, and the clouds are pushed up against Mt. Norefjell, that snowfall
BATTLESCAR – New trail BATTLESCAR – New trail
We have been looking forward to showing off this newest addition to the growing trail network at Høgevarde! The trail
Perfect first run Perfect first run
Check out how it went when Norway's biggest bicycle website Terrengsykkel.no tried the biketrails at Høgevarde. Video: Terrengsykkel.no From summer
Documentary film about path construction at Høgevarde: SOIL SEARCHING Documentary film about path construction at Høgevarde: SOIL SEARCHING
For several years, the bicycle manufacturer “Specialized” has traveled around the world documenting "the Unsung Heroes of mountain biking" trail